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Power generators calculation

In order to make the calculation of technical data of your power generator easier for you, we have compiled the most important electrical formulas. If you have any special questions, we will always be at your service. Please do not hesitate to use our quick inquiry form or our customer service.

Electrical Formulas for Calculation

Value Formula
KWe | kWE kWm X E
KWe | kWE (U x I x 1.73 x pf) / 1.000 kVA x pf
KWe | kWE (U x I x 1.73) / 1.000 kWe / pf
I Amp | I Amp (kWe x 1.000) / (U x 1.73 x pf) (kVA x 1.000) / (U x 1.73)
U/Min | RPM ( U/min / Rpm x N°Pole) / (2 x 60)
U/Min | RPM (2 x 60 x Frequenz Frequency) / N°Pole