Liebe Kunden, bis zum 06.01.2025 ist unser Büro geschlossen. Wir wünschen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.

Power Generators: Rent instead of Buy

Always at the right time!

A permanent mobility is standard. Without flexible and customer-oriented ideas modern service is no longer conceivable today.

We will be pleased to help you determine which WA generator you should rent as the optimal solution for your needs. Obviously, you can also rent accessories.

The Advantages

• Short term dispatching possible
• Fast delivery by our own trucks
• always the latest technology
• Fast assembly and removal
• Service by our technicians

Our Generators up for Rent

Our WA Notstromtechnik GmbH power generators can be used for: events, concert events, large-scale construction sites, fairs, ship supply systems or mains energy providers.

• Transportable or mobile
• Fuel Tank 1000-5000 liter
• Trailer conformable to StVZO (Road Traffic Licensing Regulation)
• Power distribution with CEE sockets
• Load resistors for testing your generators
• Emergency control units (VDE 0107-0108)
• Highly flexible power cable (07 RNF H)
• Noise reduced from LwA 87

Modern Technology

WA power generators are built and distributed according to VDE 0100 part 710 & 718 (old VDE 0107/0108) in connection with DIN 6280 part 13 with transfer synchronization. Our emergency power supply includes a mains and generator switch including locking. In the event of a power failure, the power unit runs automatically and takes over the connected loads within 15 seconds. The transfer synchronization is performed after the network has returned and the power has been restored. After a delay time, the power unit automatically switches off.