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Floodlight power generators


Watch our newest LED lighting tower video on You Tube.

Watch our floodlight power generator video on You Tube.

Floodlight Generator mobile series Compact up to 9,00 meters

6,4 kVA
Our mobile Floodlight generator with 4 spotlights (each 1.000 watt) and a maximum height of 9,00 meters.

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Lighting Tower series LED up to 5,50 meters

20-100 kVA
Our Lighting Tower series LED with 4 LED spotlights, each 80 watt or optionally with 120 watt, and a maximum height of 5,50 meter.

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Floodlight Power Generator series 9300, height 9,30 meters

20-100 kVA
Our Floodlight power generator with 6 Halogen spotlights each 1.500 watt and a maximum hight to 9,30 meter.

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Floodlight Tower series 6300, height 6,30 meters

20-100 kVA
Our Floodlight Tower series 6300 with 4 Halogen spotlights each 1.000 watt or optionally with 4 LED spotlights each 120 watt and a maximum hight to 6,30 meter 

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Mobile Floodlight Generator for the German Federal Armed Forces

Complete system for the German Federal Armed Forces

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