Liebe Kunden, bis zum 06.01.2025 ist unser Büro geschlossen. Wir wünschen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.

Credit certificate

The credit certificate CrefoZert

As part of the audit of the Creditreform Gütersloh, WA Notstromtechnik GmbH has been certified by the credit certificate CrefoZert as a manufacturer of emergency power sets and network replacement units with a good credit structure.

• Credit rating <250
• Balance Sheet <CR9

In times of increasing economic uncertainty, it is difficult for suppliers to assess the credit risk.

When the CrefoZert is awarded, the most recent annual financial statements are reviewed and the management is consulted to certify an objective creditworthiness to the company. WA Notstromtechnik GmbH performed well in the balance sheet analysis and can therefore satisfy suppliers and customers with a positively tested credit rating.

Certificate Creditreform Gütersloh 2023

Certificate Creditreform Gütersloh 2022

Certificate Creditreform Gütersloh 2021

Certificate Creditreform Gütersloh 2020

Certificate Creditreform Gütersloh 2019

Certificate Creditreform Gütersloh 2015

Certificate Creditreform Gütersloh 2014

Certificate Creditreform Gütersloh 2013

Certificate Creditreform Gütersloh 2011