Liebe Kunden, bis zum 06.01.2025 ist unser Büro geschlossen. Wir wünschen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.


References Two

References Two

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references One

References One

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XXXXXXX Vorlage – Gebrauchte Stromerzeuger EN


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Credit certificate

As part of the audit of the Creditreform Gütersloh, WA Notstromtechnik GmbH has been certified as a manufacturer of emergency power sets and network replacement units with a good credit structure.

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Certified specialist in compliance with the Federal Water Act (WHG)

The WA Notstromtechnik GmbH is a qualified specialist according to the Federal Water Act (WHG, formerly § 19 I).

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Floodlight Generator mobile series Compact up to 9,00 meters

6,4 kVA
Our mobile Floodlight generator with 4 spotlights (each 1.000 watt) and a maximum height of 9,00 meters.

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Lighting Tower series LED up to 5,50 meters

20-100 kVA
Our Lighting Tower series LED with 4 LED spotlights, each 80 watt or optionally with 120 watt, and a maximum height of 5,50 meter.

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Floodlight Power Generator series 9300, height 9,30 meters

20-100 kVA
Our Floodlight power generator with 6 Halogen spotlights each 1.500 watt and a maximum hight to 9,30 meter.

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Floodlight Tower series 6300, height 6,30 meters

20-100 kVA
Our Floodlight Tower series 6300 with 4 Halogen spotlights each 1.000 watt or optionally with 4 LED spotlights each 120 watt and a maximum hight to 6,30 meter 

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PTO generator 85 kVA

WA ZB 85/4
85 kVA

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PTO generator 75 kVA

WA ZB 75/4
75 kVA

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PTO generator 58 kVA

WA ZB 58/4
58 kVA

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